Watch Me Work
Figuring out what I want to make is the easy part. Figuring out how to make it is where the fun is. The magical point in the process is when the parts stop being just parts and become the intended object.
Making a Giant Whistle

I start with making a drawing from a real whistle and I multiply every measurement by 6.2.
Cutting Out Pieces

Next, I cut out all the pieces that will get welded together.

Here I have welded the two sides to the bottom.

This is what the whistle looks like after I've ground down the welds. I need to grind the whole exterior surface to get the proper finish on the piece. Next step is to add a ball and the top of the whistle.

Here it is in the vice, with the polishing almost done. I made a ring for the end, and I added the bumps on the mouth piece that would fit in someone's mouth if they had a mouth that big.

Here's the whistle all done. The finished size is 5" wide x 18" long.